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Who we are?

DocStore is your one Stop Shop for all your stationery needs, photocopying, binding, printing, packaging, laminating, Internet Access, Office accessories and Seasonal Items.

We offer IT accessories including power banks, ear plugs, laptop cushions, smartphone cases, Ipad and Tablet PC cases, headphones, computer mouse, chargers, screen protectors and security tags.

I F  Y O U  A R E  S A T I S F I E D,

W E  A R E  S A T I S F I E D

At DocStore we aim to provide one on one interaction with customers so their needs and wants aren't neglected. We aim to please and satisfy. You can talk to us on the website's chat, facebook, instagram direct message, and in some promotions, whatsapp. Emails can be sent and through all forms of contact, we will respond as soon as we can, to ensure customer satisfaction.

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